I know it's been a while since I posted last but hey, I've been busy! We have numerous people going on Leave and I'm teaching a Grey Belt Course in MCMAP at night so it puts me at about 15-16 hours each day for work.
SOOOO.... Precious is staying with her family while I'm deployed and she was finishing up school. She stays in the basement. It's all hers down there and not a bad setup to tell the truth of it. It has two side rooms we use for storage along with a decent sized main room (think studio apartment with two big closets).
Well, this basement has a shower in it. And yes, it regurgitated everything that was in the city block's sewer into the basement. We're talking past ankle deep sewage filling up the basement.
Precious leaves the electronics on the floor so the Nintendo Wii is jacked, the stereo, the DVD camera, among other things. Now in the storage rooms, my boxes are on the bottom because no one needs access to them. Yes that's right, my whole wardrobe is gone. Soaked with sewage. This includes a couple thousand dollars in military uniforms.
We also lost my comic book collection, numerous books, pictures, and other momentos. The sofa cushions were soaked as well. Did I mention the game systems got wet?
There is a ton of other things lost but the most important thing is intact: Precious. Thankfully she isn't hurt in the whole ordeal and in hindsight, she is lucky in that situation. We are insured so we are going to get paid for everything but she has had to deal with this situation by herself and I think she is doing a wonderful job. :) I just wish I was there to help her.
Around 600 pictures had to be taken and now she has to look up prices of each item. Thanks for doing such a great job baby. *halik*
God bless!
Wow - that is really crappy (pardon the pun!). LOTS of work - insurance claims are a pain, not to mention the loss of it all and trying to get back to normal. Practically like having a house fire! Good luck Precious - you are a trooper! Hope everything works out okay.
Hey Mike! Just want to start off by saying, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Wish you were here to celebrate it like mine and Adrian's. By the way I sent Adrian an email and he is doing okay, I wil forward you his email when I get a chance. Yeah, Precious is doing a lot with that flood thing! I give my little tid bit of input and help when I can. She is definitely a trooper, maybe we should make her an honorary Marine. Maybe just being a Marine wife says it all and she lives up to it everyday. Anyway enough of that. The games systems is the important thing here! We must ensure that Wii and 360 are reborn! Stay strong both of yall, you both are battling out there. Best Wishes and God Bless you all!!! Until next time, "pass me the ball!!!!" DNOVA32 better known as Dax.
Man that sucks ! Good thing you got yourself a good woman to take care of all that for ya. Sucks for her though. Hang in there girl ! Remember that which doesn't kill ya... only makes ya stronger. Stay safe to both of you !
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