Saturday, February 3, 2007

Paradigm Shift #1

OK everyone! We made it to Kuwait safely. We're on a different base then I thought we would be on. It's a walk to everywhere but it has a lot of amenities. There is a McDonald's, Internet Cafe (as evidenced by this post), phone center, USO, 24 hour gym, etc. Lots of things to keep you comfortable. Of course, after I paid $7 for a 'rechargeable member card with one hour worth of Internet access' I went to the building next door where the Internet is free. The only catch is you can't go on It's the newest hook-up website and since I'm married I don't use it.

The chow hall is pretty nice; however, it's a mile walk to it. That's not so bad but when you add in a wind that doesn't drop below 10 mph and goes much higher on average, couple that with sand everywhere, and you have a crappy one mile walk. Of course no one has ever accused me of missing a meal so I do it three times a day. :)

Despite all of the dirt and sand everywhere, the Kuwaiti people are surprisingly VERY clean. We are required to wash our hands before entering the chowhall (shocking to some), we have to brush our shoes off before using the gym, we can't wear boots into certain building, and they themselves appear to be very clean. I was under the impression it's impossible to stay clean with all the sand blowing around. I guess now I'll have to make a better effort of keeping my own odor to a minimum!


Anonymous said...

I love your story telling. I am enjoying the updates. I'm glad that the area you are at has lots of amenities especially the call center :) And don't worry bebe, your BO was never a problem to me :)
<3 Mrs W.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kuya. Glad you're safe and ok. Miss you and wanted to say thank you for everything. I'm taking good care of your systems.

MW said...

Thank you both. Remember Chris, that PS2 is yours now so the only one you're taking care of is the 360. Just make sure you take good care of it and by good care I mean don't break it. ;)

Joshua said...

I disagree with your wife, your BO has always been a problem. Just happy to hear (or read) that you made it over safe. I have been reading about the helicopters that went down and dreaming the worst.

I did not know you would be posting so soon, or that your stay would be so healthclub like.

Don't get your fool ass in trouble, and I will check in often.

Anonymous said...

just letting you know that George is in basic right now. He is soo psyched.
Good luck to you..
Sharon (George's Aunt)