Monday, January 29, 2007

Last Post in America

OK, so Thursday is the day and I'm ready to go. I have spent the last few days with my family here at sunny Camp Lejeune. The family leave Tuesday for Minnesota; the wife will stay till I leave on Thursday and then head back to Jersey. I found out I'll be riding two new 'birds' that I have been able to avoid: a C-130 and a helicopter (type to be determined by availability). Anyone who knows me knows I don't like heights and both of those aerial deathtraps are not acrophobic-friendly (yes I know I probably just made that word up).

I will post as soon as possible when I get in country. I already have the mailing address so contact my wife, my mom, or myself for it! Take care everyone!


Joshua said...

I was really hoping something woudl happen to delay or cancel this. I hope we will talk before you go, but if not, stay safe and come home.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Funny how this news makes me nervous no matter who I hear it from. Actual dates bring anxiety. I hate that you have to go, but I wish you luck and I'll keep you and your family in my prayers. Stay safe and keep your head down but chin up. Don't go nuts on your wife (you know I had to add that from personal experience)and try to keep your wits about you in the sandbox of hell.


Anonymous said...

Miss you already! Remember to keep the "promise".
In case you haven't heard, Brett Favre is staying another year with the Pack. 37 years old too!
Contact me soon,
4 ever + 1

Anonymous said...

Mahal na mahal kita...I miss you and can't wait to hear from you again. Be safe and know i'm here waiting for you.
<3 u always,
Mrs. W :)