Monday, June 18, 2007

Back in the Sandbox

Well, I'm back in Iraq. I'd say I'm glad to be back but we all know I'd be lying.

In any event, the Marine Corps has a very popular marathon they run every year. Of course, being deployed, many Marines that normally run the marathon don't get an opportunity to. This makes those Marines sad~!

Soooo, the Marine Corps is going to run a marathon over here in Iraq. Those that participate are going to run the same day as the normal marathon is being run in the rear. Everyone is going to get together at the beginning and do a video message to the people running the official Marine Corps Marathon.

Being that we are 8 hours ahead of the location in the states, they will get to see the video before they run. The times run in Iraq will even be recorded as part of the tally in the rear. Participants in Iraq will also get all the same memorabilia such as t-shirts, caps, etc.

Oh BTW, I'm going to run it. :) Wish me luck!


Sam said...

Oops guess I've been away a while... Had to catch up. Glad to hear you are doing well and at least got a short break. Congrats on the 500 miles that's awesome, now I really feel like a lazy ass ! Take it easy man ! TTYL

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say thanks for the bday gift from you two! Very nice surprise! We miss you - hope everything is going well in NJ and Iraq!

Anonymous said...

Как говорилось на [url=]Soki.TV[/url] Открыла интрнет магазин, попосмотреть ванночку для маникюра, и нечаянно мой сын нажал "добавить в корзину". У меня появилась в корзине ванночка для маникюра, покупать яее не хочу, в магазине не зарегированна, могулит мне ее прислать?