Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Here is just a brief update of what is happening with Mike:

1. He is starting a new class today. He only has 5 more classes including the one that he is in before he finishes his degree.

2. He is currently instructing some fellow marines in MCMAP which is the (marine corps martial arts program).

3. Mike is also trying to fit in his recreational activities like video games and reading books, but i think that it will be even more difficult until he is done with the classes.

4. We recently celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary. I can't believe how fast time flies. It only feels like we got hitched yesterday. I know that a lot of people may say this, but I feel very lucky to have found the man of my dreams. Each and every day, my love for him grows stronger. This time period is difficult, but I can't wait until he and I can celebrate our next anniversary together in person.

Until We Roll Again....
M & P

I think this covers it for now...Take care, be safe, and God Bless to everyone.

Mrs. W~


Anonymous said...

We,Dear Precious, are so very lucky to have you as our "chosen" daughter! It may sound sappy but we Thank God for both you and Michael every day of our lives!
Mom and Dad G

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike,

It's me, DNOVA 4Life, yeah Dax! Glad to hear that you are still safe and sound and that you are managing time for classes. Can't wait to see you graduate, you are persistent and goal oriented. Just some of the things that make you a great brethren of our beloved Corps and a friend throughout. My package is submitted for the Officer Program, just a few odds and ends and it will be ready for approval. I will keep you posted because I know you are coming home on leave right when I am leaving. Other than that, I am good. Yeah, I love the pic of your bowling beauties!!! I will purchase at least one and a pair of shoes one day I promise, I know I said this since Lejeune but I will.
It is a beautiful thing, you and Precious! Glad you guys are happy and rolling through the years, Congrats with love from me.
Oh, I saw "300" the other day,it was great. Another gory Gladiator/Braveheart type flick but different because it not just about one man's glory but also his followers that praise him and the opportunity to go to battle. Anyway, hopefully you will catch up on all these great movies coming out and already out. Until next time...God Bless and stay safe! Dax