Thursday, January 4, 2007

Cruise Control

Until the 16th, I'm sitting around and playing video games. I'll make an effort or two to run here and there but mostly it's all relaxing till my Block Leave is up.

How does someone think they are going to get away with recording Saddam's execution on their phone??? Look at what this idiot caused.

The fallout from this isn't as significant as the hundreds of deaths that already happen each month; however, it is just another set back that Iraq and America do not need.

A few random thoughts:
  • No Hilary, Pelosi's success does not mean you will gain the Oval Office in 2008.
  • Nick Saban is a coward. Did you think you were going to go into the worst team in the NFL and turn them into champions in two years??
  • Injuries in sports make predictions very tough. Look at the Heat. Even their coach is injured. But how will they do if everyone gets healthy around the playoffs like they did last year?
  • My mom is quitting smoking. Go Mom!!
  • The 'OC' got canceled. Thank God! More time to devote to '24'.
  • 2007 is expected to be a record year for warmth. Did you know that the previous 5 records are all in the 2000's?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Michael,

This is Sharon, George's Aunt. I know at George's wedding, you said that you were being sent out in February. I will pray for you and your buddies every day.

I see that you are still a Packer Fan and not a Hilary fan. One out of two ain't bad. :)

Take care,